Windows 10, which is in the stage to introduce the test yet, is the latest generation after Windows 8.1 was incorporated many new features and includes Cortana, the start menu, Gaming features. At the same nest recommend some tips for using Windows 10, to be more efficient and better include the following :

How to Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are a better way to facilitate the speed and causing a lot of vulnerability in Windows or Mac no new in Windows shortcut some of which is to be noted include:

Windows Key + A to access the Action Center

Action Center is a meeting notice problems that are related to your Windows at the same time, you can turn off some functions as a tablet mode, airplane mode, Location, Wifi or changing display settings and so on.

Windows Key + I to process Settings App

Settings will be a program to replace the control panel to manage various modifications on the device. Changing settings or user account are still in here.

Windows Key + X to process Power User Menu

If you click the shortcut in Windows 7, it will run Windows Mobility Center, but with Windows 8, it will run the power user menu, which you can access on the main function of Windows that you are always including the Mobility Center.

The longer battery life with Battery Saver

Press Windows + I to go to Settings go to System> Battery saver> Battery saver settings and make a tick (check) box Turn battery saver ~ and modified the percentage that you want to be ready.

Make the application process faster in the Startup

If you run Windows 10 on a larger engine (High End machine), you will feel that it has a very fast process. However, it may interfere with some applications, you can go off startup DELAY:
Press Windows + R to access the Run menu and type regedit and then click OK, you will see the Registry Editor appears. Go to the following locations:
If you do not see Serialize key, please do the left portion of the tab, and select New> Key named Serialize.
In Serialize in the right panel, create a DWORD value named a new StartupDelayInMSec pricing and zero 0.

Close Taskbar Search

Search bar could make a retreat in the Windows Taskbar, and if you did not use
search bar, you can disable it by Right-click on the Taskbar and select Search and enable Disabled is optional.

Open a new function of the Command Prompt

Command Prompt in Windows 10 will be able to use the keyboard shortcuts for copy, cut, paste, as well as working Selecting text. However, if you can not use these functions by default, you can follow the following method:
Press Windows + R and type cmd and click OK, you'll get the tab of the Command Prompt. Then right-click on the title bar and select Properties. Click Experimental tab and uncheck the box enable experimental console features ~. Next, you can check on the box the following functions, depending on what you want to set as an optional .