Interior Minister Sar Kheng has instructed Phnom Penh municipality and all other police commissioners throughout the country to stringent checks on all building constructions to ensure that they have adequate fire protection and fighting systems.
In a statement, Mr Kheng said all police commissioners are now authorized by law to check buildings for fire protection system and fire evacuation plans at all construction sites across the kingdom.
He said all police chiefs are authorised to stop any construction activity that has not fulfilled the conditions of adequate fire prevention or has not included a fire protection and fighting system in their designs.
“Police must also stop any construction that did not obtain an authorisation letter from the authorities,” Mr Kheng said. “The owner of the construction project will be fined if he or she is found to have not followed the fire protection actions.”
Mr Kheng also ordered police to facilitate the issuance of fire preventing, protection and fighting guidelines to all construction sites.