This document has been prepared with the generous support of the Federal Office for
Agriculture of Switzerland.
The document includes a series of four working papers seeking to support discussions
on the green economy of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development
(Rio+20) process. The draft papers were presented and discussed at an FAO/OECD Expert
Meeting on Greening the Economy with Agriculture (GEA), held in Paris, France, 5-7
September 2011. This formed the basis of the GEA summary presented to, and endorsed
by, the 143th Session of the FAO Council in November 2011.
Greening the Economy with Agriculture
Extract from the FAO Council document CL 143/18: Status of preparation of FAO contributions
to the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development: Governance for Greening the
Economy with Agriculture.
Working Paper 1
GEA - Availability
Food availability and natural resource use in a green economy context
Coordination: Nadia El-Hage Scialabba, Natural Resources Management and Environment Department
Writers: Martin Khor, Tristan Le Cotty, Cesare Pacini and Sabine Zileki (consultants)
Working Paper 2
GEA - access
Decent rural livelihoods and rights in a green economy environment
Coordination: Paolo Groppo, Natural Resources Management and Environment Department
Writer: Catherine Hill (consultant)
Working Paper 3
GEA - stability
Stability of food security in a green economy environment
Coordination: Lesley Lipper, Economic and Social Department
Writer: Paul McMahon (consultant)
Working Paper 4
Improving food systems for sustainable diets in a green economy
Coordination: Alexandre Meybeck, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department
Writer: Ruth Raymond (consultant)